Antonio de Jesus Silva, the Toninho Silva, can say, with certainty, that everything that conquered in the life had to the soccer and with much sacrifice. Been born in Saints, in 4 of March of 1960, the projection of Saints F.C., married with Alaide Birth Goes Silva, has three children, Carolina, Paula and Guillermo. But to the 12 years already it worked in the heavy one, my father it had truck and he was owner of one it manufactures of block in the Casqueiro Garden in Cubatao, woke up every day pra early to work of assistant in the truck in the part of the morning and during the afternoon it went to train in the infantile one of Saints F.C with Mr. Pepe, in the field of the Isabel Saint, always to the half day to my left me father it faces the road of Saints, it took a cocaine-glue and it ate one sandu& iacute; Che with sausage, this was my lunch during much time, always crossed the tunnel the foot to go to train.
When one day Mr. Pepe asked to me why my fingers dripped blood and I answered that I worked every day of truck assistant loading and unloading bricks, therefore the wet bricks always I pierced the tips of the fingers because of the cement, I was when one day Mr. Pepe spoke with the direction of Saints F.C they had brought and me to live in the concentration, giving to study and feeding to me. I always was of humble family, today I do not have more my great dear e master who was my father, who died in 2002, but I feel myself proud to see its name “Antonio Florêncio printed Da Silva” in Soon-Aid of the Casqueiro Garden in Cubatão, homage given for the city hall of the city.
After four years of much fight and perseverance, it arrived at the professional to the 18 years and estreou against the Palms, in the Park Antarctica, “I I privilege I had it to integrate that sensational teams the “Boys of the Village”, where I played some departures, in 78, when we gain the Championship São Paulo. Craques was a cast with many as, Pita, Nilton Potato, Aílton Lyra, Juari, Gilbert Sorriso and Nelsinho Baptist. The team enchanted Brazil with an aggressive soccer fast e, gaining the nickname of “Santástico the Show of the Village”, was really a fantastic team, in the command of the great Chico master Ant.
In 79, another joy for the santista projection. It was convoked for the São Paulo election and it gained the heading Brazilian, in the end against the Carioca election. “I had many joys in Saints F.C and the pleasure to act to the side of great players. I very young age, therefore at that time did not have solicitor my father I was not of the branch and the entrepreneurs were few, then everything that happened with me in the soccer and the enterprise area was with much determination, love, respect and honesty, exactly thus had the happiness of to be reserve of consecrated athletes as Clodoaldo, Chicão and Dema and many others. This is a pride for me”, declared moved.
In 83, Toninho Silva was part of the Brazilian runner-up teams, who lost the end for the Flamengo - the animal-papão of the decade of 80. “The team of the Saints was Marolla; Toninho Oliveira, Márcio Rossini, Joãozinho and Gilbert Smile; Toninho Silva, Pablo Isidoro and Pita; Camargo, Serginho Chulapa and João Pablo. Modestia the part was a great teams”.
After ten years in the Alvinegro, Toninho Silva was negotiated with the Goiás. There, it conquered the state championship. “Beyond the Saints and of the Goiás I played more in 12 clubs, being 12 in Brazil and two in Portugal”. The followed bruises in the knee had made that the player locked up its career to the 28 years. “The Sport Club of Recife was mine finishes club as professional athlete, had also the satisfaction and the pleasure to work with great trainers at the time as Pepe, Ant, Cilinho, Givanildo, Filpo Nunes, Hilton Keys, Carlos Alberto Silva and many others. After this I gave beginning to another stage of my life”.
The entrepreneur Toninho Silva in 1988 appeared, the periodical Esportiva Gazette in 1994 recognized its work as “the entrepreneur of the year”. “They had been 63 players. It is an important mark inside of a so difficult profession”, remembered.
Toninho Silva did not stop more. He invested in the career and after making some courses in Brazil and the exterior an Agent FIFA became. Solicitor of some players inside and outside of the Parents, it, today, is a reference when he says yourself in soccer entrepreneur. Managing the career of some professional athletes (it enters the 14 18 years) under comment of overseers in all Brazil, with the obligation to discover new talentos all, making partnerships with some Brazilian clubs in the parents. “Today I have my office, in front of the Stadium of Saints F.C more the House of the Athletes “the Boys of the Village”, all this infrastructure & eacute; to receive the players, entrepreneurs and controllers of all Brazil”.
Toninho Silva did not live at the time where if it gained money with the soccer, but keeps in the heart what of more precious the soccer it granted to it: the friendships. “I made many friends in all the places where I played. I have many homesicknesses and whenever it will be possible I want reencontra them. Story this ticket of my life with much emotion, therefore everything this is 100% true one”, finished.